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Linen Texture. The meaning of colors.

Белый комплект постельного белья из 100% stonewashed льна



Nordic, pure, free, innocent, light, perfect and complete, simple and complex at the same time. The color of the rich people of antiquity, priests and brides. It symbolizes absolute confidence in making a decision, freedom of thought and choice of a new path, the beginning of beginnings. White color says that we are all equal, inspires confidence, inspires and pushes. A long time ago, the servants of different gods wore it for a reason - white protects and enchants. For the knights, he was a symbol of faith, purity, strength and justice. White color in the interior will help you cast off fears and worries, physically feel better, filling you with energy, cleansing the body of harmful toxins. Moreover, the white color has a positive effect on those who experience problems with the organs of vision or the endocrine system.



Cozy, inviting, protecting, warm, autumnal. The color of the earth, stability and security. There is a practice of Feng Shui, according to which you need to decorate the entrance to the room with elements of brick color - it evokes an inner feeling of security and safety. It is worth choosing this color if you lack self-confidence and enthusiasm, but not in order to make an incredible impression on the people around you, but simply to feel internally capable of great accomplishments.



Sublime, pacifying, aspiring, calm, mysterious. In some Indian tribes, this color was a symbol of friendly affection. Light gray shade creates an unusual image of unattainable mystery. It can be called comfortable, it does not attract too much attention to itself, therefore it is often found in the color of wild animals. The color of modesty and maturity. Light gray, due to its proximity to white, gives people a feeling of lightness, loftiness and peace. It is often used in the Scandinavian style as an element that unites parts of the interior into a single whole and fills the room with light and comfort.



Cold, contradictory, purposeful, ambiguous, complex. A color that combines tenderness and narcissism, rigidity and sensuality, adherence to principles and sentimentality, dreaminess and maturity. Those who choose this color are characterized by incredible determination, a constant desire to stay outside the comfort zone and often such people themselves will never be able to foresee exactly how they will behave in a given situation. One thing can be said for sure - if you like gray-blue, then stability, monotony and predictability are definitely not about you. We recommend choosing a gray-blue color for those people who feel the need to change something in their lives, but for this they need some kind of subconscious incentive that will push them to move forward.



Sensitive, unifying, stabilizing, sensible, restrained. A color that connects the opposites of black and white, striving for harmony, but always on the edge. People who prefer this color are full of emotional experiences but tend to influence other as little as possible. Despite possible internal contradictions, graphite lovers are always able to stabilize the situation around them, to find the best solution in any conflict around. This color speaks of the pursuit of the ideal, the constant search for oneself. If you feel vulnerable, it will give you confidence in yourself and that the world around you is not a threat. Together with this color, you will feel freer and calmer.



Romantic, friendly, innocent, naive, caring, native, affectionate. In rose color, there is neither jealousy nor anger. People who love this color are very friendly, sensitive, talented, do not tolerate cruelty in any of its forms and can sometimes be fickle - any little thing can upset them at one moment. Adherents of dusty rose tend to surround themselves with cosiness and comfort at home, dream of eternal pure love and believe in miracles with all their hearts. It is believed that fans of rose color live longer than lovers of other colors. Once in one city in India, the authorities decided to paint buildings in this color in order to improve the mood of the citizens of the city and thereby reduce crime - surprisingly, after repainting the situation has been really improved. Dusty rose color is able to improve mood and appetite, helps to calm down, lower heart rate, and put sleep in order.



Stable, harmonious, safe, reliable, soft, relaxing. The green color keeps the secret of life in itself, causes a desire to keep peace and stillness, just watching what is happening around. People who love this color are characterized by calmness, commitment, nobility, honesty and the ability to soberly and fairly evaluate what is happening, skillfully avoiding negative outcomes. Green dispels negative emotions, helps to focus and make a serious decision, relieves overstrain and has a hypnotic effect.


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